Base of the stem turning brown and bending (pics included)


Active Member
I am entering the 6th week of flowering with this blue berry and i noticed after changing the water that the stem had turned brownish at the base (almost as if it is chipping away). It is slightly bent but still feels strong.IMG_8546.jpgIMG_8532.jpgIMG_8537.jpg

can anyone give me some input on why this might be happening? or maybe about similar experiences...

this is my first grow and so far it has been going very just hoping my plant will make it until the end without breaking..


New Member
older plants develop "bark" at the base, it's normal. As long as it isn't squishy then it's nothin to worry about.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it looks like something is gnawing at it. But i think its just the trunk getting woody, normal for flowering.


Active Member
I dont think is barking. When the stems are starting to bark up you see those little white barnacles gradually turning it into bark. It almost fades over.... And mine sure dont crack like one of those pictures looks like its doing. Is there anyway to get a brighter and better pick? Also of your root ball? Its better to be safe than sorry... not to mention you said it happened after a rez change...


Mine looks the same. Oh man I hope its the bark thing they speak of! Ima go check for squishy of mine to follow.