Basement grow will dust hurt my plants


New Member
Just moved into my new house and the previous owners decided the furnace room in my basement is perfect for growing. I've got to say they were right and they were even nice enough to give me a platform a foot off the ground, basements in my area tend to flood;-). I've got a good idea for a setup and how to execute it, but the problem is they left the place an absolute mess. It looks like they spilled a ton of soil, not a big deal, but when i went to sweep there is dust? or ash out the ass I'm worried this will affect my grow. if anyone knows if this will cause a serious problem please let me know. I would really like a clean slate but the room is there and im not going to waste the money to build a second one when this ones already perfect.


Well-Known Member
what size is the room

if u can get a humnitidier and pump the room up to 70% or so and then sweep up and clean out

the moisture in the air will keep the dust down low allowing u to work and clean it up with out spreading it all over the place

after that just wipe everything down .........old raggs and some bleach water .........then keep the humitidy at a lvl 50% the rest of the time
while u are cleaning u need to look all around for any signs of mold ........if u smell anything funny do a test punch in the wall's drywall and have a look

that is where u would get fucked if the place floods alot a colony can start behide the wall after one flood and then grow until the house is no good ( make a hole a size of a mirror slide it in and use a light to look on the back part of the dry wall...........u can patch it in under 10 mins cost yah maybe 20 bucks for the material/ and a good drywall sawl)


Well-Known Member
Agree with JSJ...take the time to clean it up right. Otherwise, you are welcoming yourself to many a problem down the line....even if it takes 2 weeks or a month, it is worth it.


Well-Known Member
dust will clog the stomata of the plant. this is why after foliar feeding I like to use a 0ppm water mist on all leaves until theyre dry