Basic organic grow mix UK??


Active Member
I'm currently doing a coco grow, (i've done a few now) but after speaking to a experienced grower, who i have been buying from for years, i was advised to go organic for the best buds, he went deep about the microbes and how natural is best etc.

He advised some organic soil, mychro, pk, bio tabs and a few more things.

Also, i'm going to use 15l fabric pots, with some LST , to keep them short and fat, due to height issues.

So my question is, is there is a basic, easy organic grow mix you can provide or should i stick to what i have been advised?

Or, just do a hempy bucket?

I don't have a big yard to mix 100's of litres of stuff.

Thanks in advance
Here is a great thread with tried and true easy recipes, much less involved than a no till/Coots mix and I'm sure it will be easier to source the materials in the UK:

And here is the mother of all No Till threads, very much worth reading if you're interested in organics-you can learn directly from the masters!

Honestly, I'd get started with the easier "LC's Mix" from the first thread, and if you get results and like it, move on to building a No Till soil as per the 2nd thread. You can reuse the soil so there is no loss in starting simple. Good luck!
Few options in the Uk but it’s finding what works for you.

I use plant magic amended with 1tbsp of lime per 10L of media. 10% worm castings, some potting granules and perlite.

Theyre root stimulant is the best I’ve ever seen to.

Think a few folk use biobizz too. I’ve tried plagron but plants never seemed to thrive in it. Perhaps was too hot for them
Thank you guys, your input is most appreciated. I have plant magic in my basket, as i've heard that's one of the best and affordable in the UK. I'll check out the threads you posted and take it from there. Thanks again.
This I worth a ganders been using there gear for few years great stuff imo

What would you recommend buying from here as a newbie, the bundle thing or individual packets, and is this like an amendment concentrate that i mix with something, like Plant magic? Thanks
What would you recommend buying from here as a newbie, the bundle thing or individual packets, and is this like an amendment concentrate that i mix with something, like Plant magic? Thanks
I wouldn’t recommend buying anything straight off the bat would do as much research as poss before hand great podcasts from KIS Organics buildasoil also has some great info as mentioned above it’s what ever works for you my soil is roughly based on coots recipe but each to there own good luck op
Thanks, i'll keep researching and watching vids and podcasts and make my decision soon, but i guess you have to dive in at some point and see what works.