Bat Guano? Batmix?(plagron)

ok guys aint posted on here for a while but tings are good now this question is kinda confusing. Basically im thinking of using bat guano for my next grow, plagron batmix to be precise but further research has suggested that guano is to be either made into a tea or added to the soil i thought it was an actual soil? or is bat guano a fertilizer to be added to the soil and batmix a mixture of soil and bat guano? could really use some help here guys thanks, oh and also if using bat guano do i need to add other fertilizer or just use bat guano as a substitute?:confused:

bird dog

Well-Known Member
I use Jamaican Bat Guano as a tea (3 tpls per gallon) in flower only and start the mix out at 1.5 tpls and go up from there. Bat Guano is VERY high in potasium, which veg does not need much. Veg is the stage for nitrogen. Rock on...


Well-Known Member
ok guys aint posted on here for a while but tings are good now this question is kinda confusing. Basically im thinking of using bat guano for my next grow, plagron batmix to be precise but further research has suggested that guano is to be either made into a tea or added to the soil i thought it was an actual soil? or is bat guano a fertilizer to be added to the soil and batmix a mixture of soil and bat guano? could really use some help here guys thanks, oh and also if using bat guano do i need to add other fertilizer or just use bat guano as a substitute?:confused:
I use Jamaican Bat Guano as a tea (3 tpls per gallon) in flower only and start the mix out at 1.5 tpls and go up from there. Bat Guano is VERY high in potasium, which veg does not need much. Veg is the stage for nitrogen. Rock on...
Watch this video, it'll answer your questions, subcools super soil..good stuff..
okay so you add guano to soil along with worm castings sooo have anyone used plagron batmix? cause according to my hydro store its ready made mix with peat worm compost and perlite with the main ingredient being bat guano, so im guessing thats a complete soil that i put my plants in?