BBJB's Indoor & Outdoor Grow Journal


Wats up ROLLITUP community.
Welcome to BBJB's grow journal
I have 4 plants outdoor and 3 growing indoor. I've only been planting for 3 days and my indoor's have about 3 inches while my outdoor's are just sprouting. I'm watering w/ pureifed drinking water from walmart (the gallon jug) and I mixed some miracle grow in there.

For my setup, indoor's I only have a lamp with the new power saving bulb (the squigly bulb)

And outdoor, pure 12 hour sunlight.

BTW its regular mid strains. I didnt want to waste any good exotic seeds without having a general knowledge of what to run into while growing.

Pics will be coming soon

BTW, I have 7 plants so i'll probably smoke from 3 and sell from 4.



One one stem of my indoor plant, it turned brown from the soil to the center and bent down; I put some water on the stem; We'll see what happens.