be safe out there!!!!

Exactly. Even the shittiest weed will get ya high. Youd need to smoke that whole bag though for starters. Doesnt make sense in the slightest
its part of the anti fentanyl campaign that's going on
doctors are also weaning their patients off fentanyl as we speak....
making a lot of people opiate refugees....
they are penalizing chronic pain patients also by making it harder to get as well.
I would have to go see a pain clinic to get a recommendation..from that doctor to give to my family doctor in order to stay on fentanyl... so now its at least two doctors to visit in order to treat chronic pain...
I have noticed that every single day there have been articles in the news on fentanyl...
and how dangerous it is... with no consideration for chronic pain patients...
me I'm off fentanyl instead I have to take a bunch of other pills to treat my conditions...
these pills are worse than fentanyl ever was....
People using fentanyl for pain management will tell you how good it works...
they have been retweeting and reposting that shit for a good year now. I think they are full of shit. It isn't even the fentanyl patches that are killing people, it is powder getting produced in asia and imported here.
Yeah just the latest propaganda made up by anti-marijuana people to scare people out of smoking it. I remember 10 years ago hearing about all the "meth laced weed" coming out of BC. Just didn't make sense for endless amount of reasons. Like other than someone smoking weed for the first time ever who wouldn't notice? Or why would drug dealers bother losing money by lacing weed with drugs that cost way more?
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well the dumbass "marijuana is bad" statement is known to be a complete fallacy these days.
..the only classic idiotic fallback they have now is "you don't know what it's laced with"

i guess like clothing; wait long enough and a stupid marijuana statement will be popular again.
they have been saying stuff is in our cannabis for decades.
when i was a kid it was PCP..then went to meth and that has stayed for a bit. the fentanyl is new and we should have seen it coming. anything to say cannabis is bad.
i wish they'd remake that reefer madness movie...that would be funny to see how they twist it
They make only a case for growing your own.....
it will be interesting to see how many patch users switch to drugs like heroin
because of these new rules....
They seem to think the can somehow now take people with fucked up spines and necks
which are not operable and make them pain free....with acupuncture or IV's of
vitamin cocktails .....
I'm not looking forward much anymore....I think i'm fucked...
they have been retweeting and reposting that shit for a good year now. I think they are full of shit. It isn't even the fentanyl patches that are killing people, it is powder getting produced in asia and imported here.
This is the real problem....research to import....easy to mix into a form of fentanyl....
since there are many analogs of these drugs..
I'm sure there has been a case where some kid steals gramma's patch and sucked on it and died..but they are rare...