beginner with a few questions


Active Member
my babes are two weeks into flowering and I have two questions. 1. some of the leaves near the bottom are gaining yellow tint...? 2. what a cheap and efficient way to put more nitrogen in the room??

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Some yellow leaves during flowering is normal, the whole plant would be a problem.

Can't help wih #2.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
The fan leaves very near the bottom should be yellowing and falling off as the plant ages. Pics would help so we could look for a problem. For your #2 question, try asking in the Advanced Cultivation room if you don't get an answer here.


Well-Known Member
I'm just assuming a soil grow since you didn't say. The cheapest source of nitrogen for plants that I know of is your own urine (yes, it's safe for you); another cheap source would be used coffee grounds (if you don't drink coffee get 'em from your local Starbucks); rabbit manure can be used and directly put on the soil without composting. If you have a few bucks and just want to go to the store - blood meal.