Bending the stem with out stress


Active Member
I need to bend the main stem over at a ninety degree bend. its 24 inches tall whre its getting thick and strong. the bend will be gradual about 6 inches of the stem involved.I always break it and it takes three weeks to mend. do i bend it over a period of days? I heard you do it after a watering makes it easier to bend. use a coke can to bend it around? I also tore some of the roots last time.:hump:

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Ummm...i rarely make ninety degree bends....but if you need to, soften tje whole stem up first by working your way down from the top, squeeze and soften it without rupturing the walls of the stem. Tie it at a not quote ninety angle, and allow the plant to grow up, pulling the plant down to its final ninety degree angle...know what I mean?