Bending while flowering


Active Member
This is actually my first grow. I've been growing 2 feminized mix seeds from Sensi Seed. 4 weeks of 18/6, starting 4th week of 12/12. One of the plants shot up to 47+ inches, while the other has hovered just above 2 feet.

The closet I'm growing in has a 7 ft ceiling. I'm running a 400w HPS bulb, and I ran out of space for the tall one to continue growing up. So I decided to give bending it a try.

I wrapped a shoe lace about half way down the plant, and tied it to a hook in the wall.

I'll try to update as it goes. But two days in, the top has already started curling up toward the light. Other branches are doing the same.


buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
just keep on pullin her down slow and steady,and keep up with the top as it grows,ya know do it again.

looks good


Well-Known Member
Now that you are in the fourth week the plants won't be getting much taller so you shouldn't have to bend anymore


Active Member
The top part of the plant naturally began curling up within a day. So a couple of days later I attached another shoe string a couple of nodes up from the other string. Since pulling her down gradually again, thankfully she hasn't stretched or grown anymore.

Sorry the pics aren't stellar. My flower room is starting to get crowded with the second wave of plants, Jack Flash #5! But you can see both strings attached. And the plant still growing healthy.



Active Member
i keep thinking mine will uproot...can that happen? they are in rockwool and i dont want the stem base to come up out of it.. no i am not pulling them to hard... one of them just wants to lay over by itself anyways..also im only 1 week into flowering and the veg'd for 4 much freakin bigger are they gonna get? some are already 2 1/2 feet tall and i have no more room!!!!


Active Member
Mine grew from 15" before flowering to 45" in about 17 days. That's when I began bending it. I would just do it gradually so it doesn't uproot or stress too much. Mine is in soil, and I noticed part of the very top of the roots showing after about a day or so, so I just added more soil on top and began lowering the top down further within another day. It's held strong there, and flowering seems just as normal as the one i'm not needing to bend.


Active Member
Finally measured her officially once again today (day 71 from seed, 31 days in flowering). She is at 54". Definitely continued to grow more than I anticipated. The cola did start leaning a little on me, and not toward the light. so i just loosened one of the shoe laces up, but at this point I'm just riding it out til then end.



Active Member
if i am still in the flowering stage, depending on the strain, I would just top it. Slows growth vertically and helps with some extra bushiness. I wouldnt reccommend it but i have successfully topped during flowering.


Active Member
yeah i have a couple of Jack Flash #5 sativa strains that are two weeks into flowering and nearing 30" each. i think we're gonna let em go this time to see what happens, and next time around top them. how early on in the veg stage do you recommend doing that?