

Well-Known Member
LST(low stress training)...bending of the top.
lack of height in grow rm is good reason.
some strains are really tall.
another good reason is for more then one main cola,intsead of one large cola you will have a bunch of nice size colas.
when you bend you are adding stress and this stress makes the lower branches grow taller.


New Member
It will be fine. The point is to grow many colas from one plant. Bending just as you are flowering is not going to hurt it as the stems are still green for a few weeks into flowering, but after that you will find your stems will snap/break when you try to bend them as they get real woody.


Well-Known Member
now that i bent the plant will it take longer to find out sex?
how long will it take befor i know if i have femails?


New Member
Yes any and all stress slows plant growth. They will take a couple of weeks longer to show sex as they have to recover from the stress of being bent. Most will show in 2 to 4 weeks, but I have had plants that took 8 weeks just to show their sex. There is no predetermined amount of time it takes, it is all up to the plant, ie. health, age, and strain.....


New Member
Are you going to continue to let it flower? if you are I would say no, now if you veg it then yes keep bending it untill it gets back to the stem of the plant then put to flower.
I would cause as little stress as I could during flowering to speed up things.

I am currently LST'ing my new little ones(high grade bagseed) I always begin when they are around 2 to 4 inches tall with at least two nodes. I let them veg untill they reach all the way around the pot back to the main stem of the plant.

If you look at the FAQ page and click on LST you will see exactly what I am doing as I do pretty much exactly what they show you there on the FAQ page.


Well-Known Member
so if i want to keep flowering and leave it like this will it continue to grow upward or outward