Beneficial Nematodes


Well-Known Member
Does anyone use them? If anyone has any pointers about beneficial nematodes please chime in.

I have had fungus gnat problems since the beginning. I don't know if it is the area I live in or the soil I am buying or a combo of the two but no matter what I do they always come back. Recently I read DJ Short's book and he said that he always uses beneficial todes in every plant to keep the soil pests away. He doesn't get too deep into it and I can not seem to find much about them on the web other than where to buy them. I ordered a product called Gnat Guard and it is a sponge which contains beneficial nematodes like DJ SHort describes. My plan is to apply it to what is in my garden already and the left over I will dump into my super soil barrels. I will report back on how it turns out.


Active Member
I used them once to make sure a thrip problem was truly solved.
All I know is that you have to use them within a month or two of getting them or they will be dead, also without a food source in the soil (bugs) they will also die eventually.

Its kinda a shotgun approch IMO, if they aint there the toads will die and offer no protection for the future but if they are there the toads will feast till they are gone.

Other then that they are what they are, not really much to talk about.


Well-Known Member
I think it will be good for me because I store my soil outside and I am in a tropical area so there will be plenty to eat. I keep my cans covered but the gnats still always seem to find their way in along with other critters. And even if I had to buy new todes for every show it would still be worth the $15 to not need to worry about picking gnats off of my buds. lol