Benefits of rain water??


Well-Known Member
hi I would like to know the benefits of rain water as opposed to tap.

anyone know the p/h of rain water?
But I would never use it on my plants. As rain clouds form and the rain drops fall all through the process it is collecting all the toxins and impurities and heavy metals in the upper atmosphere that are released from factories,car exhaust, power plants, ect. If this water is collected and used without proper filtration (RO) I believe it could do more harm than good for your MJ plants (imo) And besides, your tap water was once rain water that fell to earth and was collected in a river or a stream or resivoire and just filtered and treated before it got to your home.


Active Member
IMHO rain water is the best water you can use! are dissolved minerals are removed when it evaporates from or streams rivers and lakes. the ph is perfect for any plant you want to grow just look at nature. there is nothing added by god to rain water before he waters his plants.( rain) anyway my thought is water ever you start to use continue to use it as much as possible during your grow. if you start with tap continue with tap. this way you are consistent and you take away the chance to make a mistake. your tap water has dissolved minerals in it that your plant will get use to. now you go and start adding ro water now your plant is looking for those dissolved minerals witch could stress your plant and you will start asking questions why your leafs are wilting or yellowing etc. so if you stay with what you start with and continue to use it you will be much happier. I use tap in my hydro I have never once checked the ph ever. cause it doesn't matter because its all I use ever


Active Member
Thats the problem I have (heavy industry) and a ton of oil refineries and chemical plants spewing out a shitload of toxic byproducts.
Yikes - sorry to hear that.

Well if you put that search wording in on Google as I did, you will find quite a few articles where researchers tested rain water in industrial areas, and they came up as more acidic. Most normal rainwater is soft and plants love it, but I think I'd opt NOT to use rainwater in your area unless you are up-wind from the prevailing amts. of pollution (IOW if the rains are coming from the North and the highly polluted areas of industry are South of where you live, you might be safe).


Active Member
man are you in pa? marcus hook maybe? i only ask because I too am in an industrial area of pa and I have worked in those places
thanks guys, ive been using rain water for quite some time now!

we've had plenty of rain the last 2 weeks.....just no sun :(