Bent Branches


Hey all, I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a little problem I have. It doesn't seem to serious but definitely can be threatening.
I have 6 beauties tanning under a 1000watt bulb. The room is equipped with an ac unit oscilating fan compressed carbon filter and 6" inline cooling fan for the hood. The ladies are starting the first day of their 4th week in flowering and they range from 2.5ft-4ft. They started to lose their fan leaves about a week ago which is consistent with flowering and the lower Nitrogen levels, however one plant is starting to lean into the middle which looks as though the other plants r holding it up. It isn't limp at all and in fact the leaves are nice shaped, just facing a little cock-eyed because the branches r giving. Do you all think that maybe the plant is getting too heavy for itself? (:leaf:I'll post pics tonight cuz the buds r getting noticeable and may b the problem:leaf:" Also on another plant two branches twisted a little and now face more towards the ground. The both of them in no way are drooping towards the ground but they are just giving in i guess... Im going to the store to get some stakes to hold em up for now but I'd like to kno that im solving the problem and not just buying time.

Laymens terms please....


Active Member
Tough to say without seeing. At 4 weeks of flower and the bud weight already putting a strain on the plant would mean they didn't harden off enough frOm the fan. Without seeing its tough to say. I would get some stakes to hold them up though for sure.


Tough to say without seeing. At 4 weeks of flower and the bud weight already putting a strain on the plant would mean they didn't harden off enough frOm the fan. Without seeing its tough to say. I would get some stakes to hold them up though for sure.
Yea that makes a lot of sense to me cuz i had to transfer them from a very small area to a larger area later in the veg so the circulation was kinda one sided for the crop in terms of direct breeze. Also there are 2 strains growing, and the symptoms are all showing only in one strain so it may also b genetic. Once again ill post photos when they wake up so their up to date but all in all I guess ill just have to stake them up and let them do what they do...