Bent seedlings


Hi guys im trying again to grow. I have a single 85watt cfl in a white box half meter high and wide. I had the light on about 20 hours a day and they growing in soil i got from a grow shop. I watered it about 2 times in 2 weeks as the soil was stil a little wet after one week. I put about ten bag seeds in a pot just to get them to seedlings then move then into individual pots but half of them have bent over in the middle like pinched why did this happen? I only just put a fan on the seedling today. How do i prevent this and wat am i doing wrong


Well-Known Member
its probably due to the light not bing close enough. It is called stretching. Just use toothpics or something to hold them up and take the fan off of them for a while.


Oo sorry forgot to mention they actually had a bit of brown /yellow burn at the end of the leaves so i thought the light is to close?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Browning and yellowing are probably from over watering. The lights need to be a couple inches from the tops of the seedlings and they require very little watering and feeding initially for the first 3 weeks or so.

Illegal Smile

I've reported this moron jeff p who is posting this stuff all over. The more of us report the posts, the sooner he will be banned. Thanks and we return you to our previously scheduled programming.

PS at that age a cfl should be about 6 inches away. Sounds like possible over-watering to me, but I'm not a soil grower so you may want to post this in the sick plants section.


I cant see how its over water there's burning from the light on the does of a few leaves. Leaves curling up as well i dont use nutes :( 4th time trying to grow im feeling down that i cant get it rite.