benzodiazipine rc's?


bud bootlegger
.. hello, yestereday after reading multiple threads on rcs, i searched for hours online looking for a vendor, when i thought i finally found one that sounded like he had what i was looking for, which was just some 2c's.. when i emialed the vendor asking if he had any 2c's, i got a reply saying that he will be getting some in stock shortly, and that he is mostly working with bezo rc;s.. now i have never read anything about benzo rc's before, and was wondering if anyone out there has tried any of these, and if they would be worth a try?


bud bootlegger
thats what i thought florida, glad to see a real expert stopped by, lol...
heres the whole email reply that i got..." i"ll try to have some in stock soon, i'll email you. mainly doing bezodiazipine research chemicals at the moment."
if you want, i can email them back and ask for some details on what they have.? like i said, im not a big rc person, in fact never tried any, but i have been doing a ton or reading on them, but have never heard of any containing benzos.. what do you think?


im not a big fan of tranquilizers...... ive tried like them all, xanax, ativan, valium, ect.


bud bootlegger
yah, i've tried almost all of regular benzo's, but never any rc benzo's.. don't know what would be any different about them, but....
so i just went and emailed the place back and asked for any more info that they had... names and chemical compounds if they would.. shall see what i get in return..


bud bootlegger
u should ask them what they have...
i did florida.. i just asked them what they had.. any names of what they have or chemical compounds of them as im sure most of the rc fans on this site could help me figure out what is in them from the compounds, lol..
thanks for the help so far... i have to say they definitely have my curiousity peaked..



The Impudence is unbelievable.

Very good Chitown, close, Hypnotics is a better classing but it can be considered a subclass of

no there tranquilizers/mood stabilizers. just depnds on how much you take. and ive seriously tried all the major ones. some kick in fast and leave fast, others kick in slower and last longer.


Yes. I suppose. But definitely not major tranquilizers. Some are minors.

those major tanqs. are moodstabilizers/anti-psycotics. i have only tried one of those risperdal, i didnt like it just knock me out but at a much lower dose then the minor tranqs. everyone likes so much.

pain pills are much better then benzos if your into shit like taking pharms. to get high.:weed:


bud bootlegger
doesn't sound like anything im really interested in really.. after looking it up, just sounds like another benzo, which i like to refer to lovingly as retard pills, as they seem to always turn me into a retard at higher doses and i end up blacking out and doing something rather stupid and embarrising, lol..
thanks for all the help guys.


bud bootlegger
yah, i just found it on wiki that it is a class 4 drug i believe they had said and is perfectly legal in most countires including the us..