Best and reliable website that ships India to buy autoflowering seeds ?


New Member
Hello, I want to start growing for my consumption and I am looking for a website to order seeds. All the sites I have been to, doesn't have delivery options for India. Any help will be highly appreciated!

you can try or attitude seedbank.
mandala seeds have good genetics too. specially, when you are in outdoor growing.

we have a website in india aswell. they are legit and deliver seeds within a week. I ain't so sure about their genetics though.


Well-Known Member
I bought from Attitude up until they stopped taking U.S. credit cards. (could be diff now?)

Sine then I'm such a bad grower I've got all kinds of seed.
I used them several times (not from the US), and I grew multiple strains and let them have an orgy :mrgreen: and collected the seeds for future use, and quit ordering seeds since then probably 7 years ago :eek:


Well-Known Member
Hello, I want to start growing for my consumption and I am looking for a website to order seeds. All the sites I have been to, doesn't have delivery options for India. Any help will be highly appreciated!

u do understand the northern part of your country is a major cannabis hub don't you.....plenty of seeds up there...look towards Nepal region