Best Drying Method? Preserve Freshness?


Active Member
What is the best way to preserve freshness when drying bud?

I am looking for photo comparisons if anyone has them of different drying methods.

( anyone on RIU heard of people using Cedar Sauna's to dry bud?" like one from LUXSAUNA )

I am most interested in the Dry Ice method or freeze drying method- if anyone has any experience with this as it seems to be the best method for preserving the flower. smell/taste/appearance

if anyone has any pictures of freeze dried bud versus hung dry bud that would be very helpful!

this thread has alot of good information on drying for anyone interested -

like i said tho i am looking for picture comparisons which no body has done yet that i can find, maybe someone would be compelled to do this experiment? maybe just try freeze drying one of your buds from your harvest?