Best Games to Play while Stoned


Well-Known Member
In your opinion, what is the best game to play when high?

I got the idea for this question after smokin 2 joints of spice (im on probation) and played the new Alien vs. Predator game for the 360.

It was fucking amazing. If you have this game and smoke, you know what Im talkin about. Smoke until you are fucking melting into your seat stoned and play as the Alien on this game. It will blow your freaking mind! You can crawl on cielings/walls, then creep like a ninja and slaughter Marines. Its just pure fucking amazement.


Well-Known Member
alien vs predator sucked
Madden and fight night is where its at.
dude, i havent been on in like 2 months and ur still talkin shit.

Or maybe its just Im a die hard alien/predator fan.

either way, i hate foot ball games and never played fight night.


Well-Known Member
lmfao I didn't even notice that was you.
Alien vs predator still sucks,the movie was alright though.


Well-Known Member
damn we got the same aviator and the same taste in on that UFC tip PS3 online..i get down on the modern warfare to or some Madden 09..PURE is dope to but nobody plays it online anymore
come on man you need to get with the times and get madden 10.If you get it hollar at me and I'll be glad to bust your ass.


Well-Known Member
come on man you need to get with the times and get madden 10.If you get it hollar at me and I'll be glad to bust your ass.
haha this of my boys keeps telling me the same shit..get madden 10 or modern warfare 2 but honestly i just like 09 better 2010's tight but not as good as 09..i got the demo lol ill bust a cap in ur ass in that lol jk jk


Well-Known Member
All the COD MW2 Fanboys wont agree but I think the best games by genre to play while stoned are

FPS - Battlefield Bad Company 2
Action/Adventure - God of War 3
Sports - Madden 10 or MLB 2K10
MMO-Star Trek online
RPG- Final Fantasy VIII

These are the games I currently play or have been interested in. Currently addicted to Battle Field I bought Bioshock 2 and it is still in the plastic.


Well-Known Member
Cod MW2 can Lick my balls.

Rock some Tetris.

And Gummy worms.... Yummmm

——–Puff… Puff & Pass!——————


Well-Known Member
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 or X!

Duh! What better way to stay current with ILS approaches and other instrument flight techniques without spending a dime!


Well-Known Member
yeahhh xbox live is where its at...
i havent played campain mode on anyof my games in ike 6 months haha

NHL 10 is pretty sick too


Well-Known Member

Only the orignial one though for some reason.

Just google it. You're this little orange blob-like guy and you have to run around these levels and kill the green blobs and avoid traps. you complete each level by killing and the green dudes. Not sure how many levels there are but it gets hard fast. And mucho addicting when nice and buzzed.. lol