Best Grinder Ever!


Hello all :) bit of a n00b here so i'm sorry if this is posted in the wrong bit of the forum but I had to share my joy at receiving a garlic Zoom for Xmas and discovering that it chops up grass amazingly! It's like a little plastic gadget that has a chopping blade inside, you put the garlic or weed inside, close it up and roll it back and forth (it has 2 wheels on the bottom) they're about a fiver and well worth it. Obviously not had it long enough so it may get gummed up yet but it's working a treat right now. The more you roll the gadget the finer it gets chopped.

Anyway, I'll stop getting giddy about it now. Hope you all have a fantastic new year.


Well-Known Member
Hello all :) bit of a n00b here so i'm sorry if this is posted in the wrong bit of the forum but I had to share my joy at receiving a garlic Zoom for Xmas and discovering that it chops up grass amazingly! It's like a little plastic gadget that has a chopping blade inside, you put the garlic or weed inside, close it up and roll it back and forth (it has 2 wheels on the bottom) they're about a fiver and well worth it. Obviously not had it long enough so it may get gummed up yet but it's working a treat right now. The more you roll the gadget the finer it gets chopped.

Anyway, I'll stop getting giddy about it now. Hope you all have a fantastic new year.
HAHAHAHAH ya made me google it..........found it on Youtube too......thats pretty nice.........I save keif about 50 percent of the time so cant use it there......but I still use my simple grinder alot....sooooooo thanks to you Ill be spending money today for a new toy LOL...thanks for the tip....


Well-Known Member
sounds awesome...the grinder I use is called a plastic card and it requires a bit more manual labour

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Looks good :D I use a very old pollen blitz, the inside is so caked in rock solid lumps of hash from half a decade of different strains that it often jsut lcosk up and you have to get it open with a knife.


Well-Known Member
I saw that thing at Williams & Sonoma while out Christmas shopping. I didn't even think to use it as a grinder. I would have bought one.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
my next grinder upgrade will be to one with a crank. if i have to pry that pos open with a screwdriver one more time i will shoot myself. this gadget thing sounds pretty cool but i couldn't give up my kief catcher.


Well-Known Member
lol busting weed with a plastic card... its not coke its weed... either that or your buying dust lol
oh it takes me a while, but I find it relaxing so I don't mind....I started out with a bunch of large nugs and now it's all pretty much powder


Hahahaha @StonedPony, maybe I should call the company and ask for a cut :D seriously tho I think you will like it. I'm childishly happy every time I need to grind some up as it's fun to roll back and forth!


Well-Known Member
that can't possibly be the best grinder you've seen. probably the neatest to use...

doesn't even catch pollen though....


that can't possibly be the best grinder you've seen. probably the neatest to use...

doesn't even catch pollen though....
I think it certainly can be the best grinder I've ever seen, as it is. And ALL of the ground matter gets collected at the bottom of the resevoir, ok it doesn't get sifted out I grant you but for my personal use it works just fine.


New Member
What ever happened to the good old days when people just broke bud up with their hands? I guess manuelle labor is for immigrants only now.


Well-Known Member
I liked this quote that was on one of the sites that sold it :D

"It's like a little car for you garlic, and the more you drive it, the more finely chopped it becomes. And, as much as we like the pungent veg, we can't help but feel that this might come in handy for chopping any other herby substances you may have in your home"
PC Format - Mar '09