Best (if any) way to avoid hermies with feminized seeds?


I ordered just a few feminized seeds, and I'll only be growing one plant. Obviously it'd be a huge setback to start one plant only to find out several weeks down the road that it's a hermaphrodite. What can I do to decrease the chances of this happening?


Well-Known Member
Dutch masters reverse from what I hear, haven't used it but if I have one more hermie I'm gonna def look into it. Its preventative and also if you catch it early I'm sure you wouldn't have to use it ALL the time but you know what they ounce of prevention is worth ......something or other.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Well if you only have one plant and it hermies it's a lot better than having multiple females growing with it, believe me. I had a hermie this round from a regular seed and it pollinated my other plants a little bit which sux but I still got an okay yeild off it and none of the fem beans hermied.


Feminized GHS King's Kush

purple kush.jpg

Hermaphrodite purple kush

You could order from the attitude and get a fem freebie and plant em both and if you get a hermie you could pull it and grow the other or something. Or better yet keep em both if they don't :-P


Well-Known Member
Well if you only have one plant and it hermies it's a lot better than having multiple females growing with it, believe me. I had a hermie this round from a regular seed and it pollinated my other plants a little bit which sux but I still got an okay yeild off it and none of the fem beans hermied.

View attachment 1409462

Feminized GHS King's Kush

View attachment 1409461

Hermaphrodite purple kush

You could order from the attitude and get a fem freebie and plant em both and if you get a hermie you could pull it and grow the other or something. Or better yet keep em both if they don't :-P
Actually if you have only one plant that hermies and it does pollinate other females this is basically the way they make feminized seed and whatever seed you might get may be viable to grow and also may turn out all female, but again, dutch masters reverse if it does what it states its suppose to will take care of your problem. I may even pick some up today although I don't see why my shit would hermie(other than I let it flower too long or the genetics I really know nothing about).