Best in the World? Why can't I get high?


Well-Known Member
I grew some of the best looking weed I've ever seen. Nice big bulbs of seedless red hairs. It's White Widow. I even made some great hash out of the crystal covered shake.....but I can't get high. :cry: What the fuck is up? I've had a couple friends try it and one was literally calling for God and calling me by some other unrecognizable name. More like an acid trip then weed. He's on the floor and I'm scratchin my balls....nothin. I mean nothin. I feel dead on sober and my eyes are still big and bright. What gives? Almost like I don't believe their that high but why would they act? Have I reached a resistance that prohibits my getting high off my supply? Can you get that kind of resistance? Talk to me people. I didn't grow this shit for nothing I hope. I'd rather not take a month off just to start feeling something too. Help!


Well-Known Member
bake some brownies with a large dose in it. 2-3 grams per serving. Eat one and if your not high in 2 hours, well then i feel sorry for you my friend.


Active Member
How many years have you smoked every day?

If you smoke so frequently (5+ times/day every day for YEARS) then you probably have such a high resistance that only smoking a MASSIVE amount of weed will get you high.

I say take 2 weeks off and you should be alright, but if you wanna get super-fried, take a month off.
It's all in your head .Maybe if you paid 400.00 for the same shit and didn't know it.You would get high, I been smoking everyday for 40 year and same as always 3 or 4 good hit.and I 'm good ( LG ) .Trade some of your for some other shit and see , But I don't think Sooooooooooooooooooo


Well-Known Member
I like creating strings to see what comes up. This one is pretty interesting. The majority says it's actually the resistance while at least one says it's in my head. You all may be right. I also think it has something to do with time of day, much sleep you've had,...blood sugar,...etc. To answer the question about my consumption rate and longevity,...I've been burning probably 3 joints a day with increases on days off work of course for probably 6 years and on and off...mostly on for 25 years. So I'm saturated. But I also remember way back when I was in school,...I'd be super burnt all the time (between classes of course since I was still a responsible type) and there never seemed to be a "resistance hump" to jump. That was 4 years solid. Maybe youth has something to do with it. Maybe my young mind couldn't play such a mean trick on me as it can now shutting down my fun. Since I don't feel like testing the theory of paying for my own weed to break the mind-fuck I've got on my self, I'll have to either cut back substantially for a while or stop. :evil: Niether seems attractive so I may try the gravity bong. Keep the ideas coming though if you have any more. And oh,..what's an Arizer Lizard.King?


Well-Known Member
I would say that your doomed and now have no reason for living... If the widow doesn't get you high, it's time to check urself in. lol... Go do some vigorous exercise before u smoke and then see what happens.



Well-Known Member
yea i like the last idea. i've always wanted to go for a run and burn a fatty on the way back. i've got a sort of forest area near the house as well and that will be amazin to run in and chill on the way back ;)


Well-Known Member
I grew some of the best looking weed I've ever seen. Nice big bulbs of seedless red hairs. It's White Widow. I even made some great hash out of the crystal covered shake.....but I can't get high. :cry: What the fuck is up? I've had a couple friends try it and one was literally calling for God and calling me by some other unrecognizable name. More like an acid trip then weed. He's on the floor and I'm scratchin my balls....nothin. I mean nothin. I feel dead on sober and my eyes are still big and bright. What gives? Almost like I don't believe their that high but why would they act? Have I reached a resistance that prohibits my getting high off my supply? Can you get that kind of resistance? Talk to me people. I didn't grow this shit for nothing I hope. I'd rather not take a month off just to start feeling something too. Help!
Its time to move on up to a stronger drug. They don't call marijuana the gateway drug for nuthin!


Well-Known Member
Nope, cold. Breath fine. I know what you're talking about though. I remember when I've had colds, I'd get no where with the bud. Something like your brain is working on something else so it ignores other things. I don't know. And the excersize thing might work. I use to be a competitive runner (10K on up) and I'd get jacked up good after a run. I walk the dog now. That's about it. That doesn't bring out the "pink skin" and break down the muscle tissue where more oxygen is needed creating a good flow of red blood vessles also carrying more THC..bla bla bla. It does work,.....BUT I REALLY HATE RUNNING NOW AND IT HURTS. I'm 46. My bones feel like they've got tree sap in the joints rather than soft cartilage. I know I know,...I'm spoiled, lazy, and saturated with THC. Guess I'll have to get up off the couch. Geeez,...those are sware words to puke by. :spew:And believe me,...I've gone through the "gateway" many times and do think about those days again,...but it's too much to play that any more. To much $ and too much physically. That's another thing that really bugs me about this problem. I went to great lengths to not be on the wrong side of the gate and to grow a great crop of my own to cut expenses and just become completely independent and now it's not working. I'll try taking time off,..."maybe" run a little, but hey,...those gates look pretty good when you can't get fucked up any other way.


take a least 8-10 days off.just work out run and eat then smoke a joint after that
could be purely hyped up your weed in your head so much, and are expecting such a good high that you are ignoring being stoned.

or maybe you have all of a sudden out of nowhere become completely tolerant...did you cure your bud properly?


Well-Known Member
Might be in the mind. Seems like one day I'd forget it's suppose to be good and that I grew it and BAMB,...I'm baked. It's more likely a tolerance issue. Curring time now...over 10 weeks. They say the big M isn't addictive but psychologically it's pretty bad. I've got nothing else to do so to stop cold for days or even "weeks" really sucks. What I need from you readers is testimonials about those that have gone through this and what they did if anything to cure them selves. Everyone can suggest cures, but can anyone say that something worked?


your prolly like me and sativas dont get you high has you wanna be


Well-Known Member
Wow, sorry to have to say this but some of you guys gave the worst answers ever known to man, and it also aparent that none of you have a high tolerance like myself and silky. You want a cure here it is, switch kinds. I bet you could get a bag of crap seed weed right now roll a blunt and you'll be on your ass, as far as it being "all in your head" I feel you there. I have noticed I get more baked talking with friends(and smoking but not thinking about if I was high or not) and thinking than I do just watching T.V. Personally if I go 12 to 24 hours with out smoking it helps a ton, but switching strains works the best for me, and it only has to be for a few days, let your body work that shit out.