Best MMORPG Ever


Well-Known Member
have not played any
but want to get in to them
which one should i get
and why
The gold star of MMORGs is World of Warcraft. Personally I got bored with it after a few months, so stopped, then started again, then got bored again after a few months. A more adult orientated MMORG is Conan, which is supposed to be quite good.

Personally, I'm looking forward to the release of Warhammer 40k. I just hope they don't fuck it up.


Well-Known Member
I used to play EQ Adventures on my PS2. I also played FlyFF for a few months or more, that was an addictive, and free, MMORPG. if you have time on your hands, I suggest downloading it and trying it out. Not really your typical MMORPG.. but it was successful at keeping me zuned in. I can't play anymore.. my grades would be cut in half if I tried to get into any game, probably..

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
The gold star of MMORGs is World of Warcraft. Personally I got bored with it after a few months, so stopped, then started again, then got bored again after a few months. A more adult orientated MMORG is Conan, which is supposed to be quite good.

Personally, I'm looking forward to the release of Warhammer 40k. I just hope they don't fuck it up.
world of warcraft
is there an option to not play online
am i to understand that after you buy the game you have to pay to play it online or is that free


New Member
No ... You buy it and pay pay pay pay each and every month to my understanding.

There are online games for free, but WoW isn't one of them, but from what I hear, they have created some amazing environments and characters in there.


Well-Known Member
I believe you can get a free trial of warcraft online. You know, MMORPG is massively multiplayer online RPG. I am a fan of the offline ones too though. I was just playing Oblivion on the 360 a few minutes ago :-D Oblivion is a great offline RPG, in my opinion. People's opinions may vary on it..


Well-Known Member
world of warcraft is by far the best/most popular mmorpg and what most other mmo's try to be like for the most part. Before buying it I suggest you download it from the blizzard website and do the free 1 month trial. It restricts your level to 20 and allows you to play for 1 month. You'll get a feel for the game and see if it is the kind of game you'll like or not.


Well-Known Member
Check out the boards over at

they cover most of the current and upcoming games.
With lots of info and discussion


Well-Known Member
Check out the boards over at

they cover most of the current and upcoming games.
With lots of info and discussion
if you don't want to play an online rpg, try out dragon age origins for a 1 player rpg that's pretty good


Well-Known Member
If you want offline rpg I'd recommend Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion,

Console games just cant compete with PC games.

My favorite games of all are the Total War series. especially Medieval 2.
Its strategy. not RPG, but there is something about building Empires, stabilizing Economies, conquering neighbors, assasinating Popes and Kings that brings me great satisfaction.