Best nutrients out there


Well-Known Member
Right guys i want some input from yourselfs ive run canna and ive run bio bizz at the minute canna was the best but on another run with the bio bizz to see if they can pull it around! Just wondering whats some of your guys favourite nutrients??
Question is a bit subjective - there are different choices for different grow styles - hydro / soil / etc.

For soil and hydro , there are simple 1 / 2 / 3 part options. Both in dry powder fertilizer and liquid.

But , try to stay away from “ multi-bottle “ lines of nutes. Most of that is unnecessary waste of money.

Keep things very simple.
Sorry i should have said that me personally grow in coco and have only used multi bottle lines but interested in something new i have seen greenhouse have made greenhouse feeding has anyone used that?? Also what producta do you use @Budzbuddha
I personally love GH products because they're easy to dilute and mix, and I get great results using it in coco.

To date: I've used Athena Blended line, Fox Farm trio, GH Flora trio and GH FloraNova series which is what I'm currently using. All used in Tupur Royal Gold coco. I love GH trio probably the best, but the Nova series is a couple less bottles if you're using additives.
I thibj im going to run these bio bizz out and have a go at the GH

Biobizz works best imo if you follow something like the oldtimer1 feeding schedule.. It ends up way less than what biobizz suggests you use.. I ran several runs using the full biobizz line and at the carious strengths including the suggested strengths and I found the oldtimer1 modified feeding schedule works best for it and you only really need two (three if you include veg) of the bottles and some epson salt.

That being said I run soil not coco..
I ran General Hydroponics FloraNova and their boosters for years and got amazing results always. I recently made the switch to the House and Garden lineup with Power Si and absolutely love them just as much and rarely if ever have to mess with my PH as it always comes out between 5.8-6.3 consistently. I also use Fish Sh!t, Great White Myco and Photosynthesis Plus in some of my off waterings between feeds.
I use whatever the agricultural supplier has in stock for that year. The 25# base salt is $50-$60 and has been Jack's, Masterblend, ICL, or Southern AG.
Calnit has been Yara or Haifa at around $40 per 50# and peat mix has been Sunshine or Berger at $25-$30 per 3.8cu.ft.

The plants don't care who makes the nutrient as long as it does its job. My job is to get the most cost-effective product.
just pull down your britches son, and you got your own endless supply of the best nutes
just tell people its advanced nutes that you processed your self


Support Monsanto, Bayer, Hawthorne, Scotts and Roots by using GH products who have never supported pot growers yet they keep buying that crap.

Even Miracle Gro can produce decent plants when you know what you're doing but I'd no more use that junk than I would eat at McDonalds.