Best place in Metro area for clones?


Hey fellow Coloradans. Looking to start my first medical grow. I have an order placed for some quality seeds, but in the mean time want to get something going while they are growing out. Who has the most legit clones as far as genetics? I also don't want to bring any bugs into my room, so that is of utmost importance. All input is appreciated.


Noone? Pretty much what I expected as every clone I've seen is a joke. There may be a lot of mj in CO, but 95% is garbage. That's why, even with 64 passing, people will pay for top quality home grown rather than the garbage that everyone will be pushing. I'll wait for my proven %100 legit seeds to show up.


Active Member
I visit quite a few disp for work and i agree. I would be embarrassed to have the pitiful clones on the shelf. The only decent ones i saw where 20-50 bucks. Or the clone bar but they sell out before noon on Monday . Why can't they have clones the other 6.75 days a week?


Active Member
La contes clone bar is near Washington n i70. I'm bringing over some nice cuts at the place i work at on 38th n 25. Pm me for details .