Best possible thing for your plants.


Well-Known Member
Well this thread is simple... i want everyone to post what they consider the greatest thing they use for growing that makes a huge difference. Whether it be a soil, fertilizer, rooting hormone, technique... anything. The point is to build a compendium of the greatest products of their kind. Please don't mention lights... we all know what ones are good and which ones are bad.

My personal "greatest thing" is foliar feeding... i've cured a bunch of plants with nutrient problems just by foliar feeding them some Miracle-Gro All-Purpose plant food.

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
You have to play classical music to your babies and tell them bed-time stories. I'm serious, little girls need lots of TLC 24/7


Well-Known Member
Dude I only use fox farm products. I use happy frog for seedlings and then ffof for trans and there final home. Nutes= grow big, tiger bloom and big bloom. Flowering= tiger bloom, big bloom, opensesame, cha-ching and beastie bloomz...

PICS DAY 44 Nothin but fox farm and molasses during flowering


Well-Known Member
get up close and personal with your girls if you don't use c02 make your grow room a / study, office, tv room , or anything you'd like u are the co2 generator


Well-Known Member
get up close and personal with your girls if you don't use c02 make your grow room a / study, office, tv room , or anything you'd like u are the co2 generator
thats a really good way to get bugs and fungus spores, especially if you have pets or grower freinds or dirty hippies like all my friends. i prefer to keep the plants in a cleaner enviroment..