best quick dry method?


So what would be the best quick dry method? I cut little pop corn nugs off my plant to test and
I just hung them up in my closet with a fan. They dried almost till the strems were snapping, but just bending.
I put it in a jar now, gonna see if that helps the taste.



New Member
I put mine in a shoebox on top of my aquarium. Its slightly heated from below and drys them enough to smoke in about 2 - 3 days. I wouldnt do it with lots of bud tho. :)

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Nothing will help the taste if you quick dry it bro. Quick drying makes for green-tasting weed, period.

Dr. Skunk Bud

Active Member
Not to be a dick but what is the point of putting the popcorn nug in a jar? You said it was just for sampling so why all the extra effort I mean I'm guessing your just wanting to sample the high off of it.


Active Member
Straight off the plant ... Cut the bud up very small, then run through a coffee grinder. Put in bowl and smoke.

If you need to clean the coffee grinder first, run some rice through it, then rinse it.


Well-Known Member
You can vaporize fresh buds w/ a volcano - for most intents and purposes, the resin ready for ingestion - it's the leaf that you downsize through curing - so that's an option


Well-Known Member
sorry, honestly there is no rhyme or reason to a quick dried bud it tastes nothing close to the same as a well done curing and drying processed bud. Take your time, be patient and i promise it will pay off my friend. Best of luck and happy growing,


Well-Known Member
sorry, honestly there is no rhyme or reason to a quick dried bud it tastes nothing close to the same as a well done curing and drying processed bud. Take your time, be patient and i promise it will pay off my friend. Best of luck and happy growing,
oh there's a reason.......impatient growers. It's not hard to follow things and separate the groupies from the rockstars!


Well-Known Member
So what would be the best quick dry method? I cut little pop corn nugs off my plant to test and
I just hung them up in my closet with a fan. They dried almost till the strems were snapping, but just bending.
I put it in a jar now, gonna see if that helps the taste.

There are lots of posts on DIY dryers. I built one based on this plan
I haven't used it yet but I'll report on it when I do.


Active Member
So what would be the best quick dry method? I cut little pop corn nugs off my plant to test and
I just hung them up in my closet with a fan. They dried almost till the strems were snapping, but just bending.
I put it in a jar now, gonna see if that helps the taste.

throw in oven at 350 for couple minutes, microwave for a 20 sec period at a time till dry, just don't pop too many trichomes, it'll still taste not all great(fresh cut grass to me) but just to try it.