Best set up for $500.00


What would you recommend? Advice? Help! I don't need usucsessful grows... I want it to work this time.... 3rd times a charm right? I have just a basic set-up in my room right now. They're about 6 inch. tall and a week old. 4x8 spacing area.. no 'grow room' or 'grow tent' type of thing. Just a corner of a room... all suggestions welcome. I also live in a small apartment complex so I am worried about the heat?!? I don't want to catch anything on fire.... for 4 bubblegum plants what would one suggest? I am growing in 2 gallon pots right now. Soil based. two 40 watt, so 80 total watts in a shop-light type ficture. I know this is not sufficient enough and now that I have the $$ I want to know whats best for my bucks.....


Well-Known Member
Well you can get a good sized tent for 170 or less, a decent hps bulb, reflector hood, ballast, for under 500. *looking for where I got my stuff
ok yeah I got my stuff at this site

I got a Yield Mast II reflector/light hood, a lumatek 400w electronic ballast, and growlab GL80 for 447

You could save a bit by getting a different tent, and a classic magnetic balance, and there are definitely cheaper hoods that are practically the same. The site also has some coupon codes you can rip off the internet!

If you want to maximize that 500 you should probably hit up your local thrift store?(that place where its filled with garage and yard sale stuff). Get yourself a good sized dresser or cabinet, that could save you a bunch of cash on a tent. Don't forget about smell and such though!


Active Member
for the amount of plants you have and since your worried about heat i would get a 400w switchalbe ballest and light ( which means it will handle both mh and hps). also a roll of non see through plastic to creat a closed off space for your plants. that way when it ligths off its completely dark.(best plastic is visqueen black/white but is a bit expensive). then get a couple fans, one to bring air into the space another to get air out and maybe an oscillating fan for inside the space.(for the intake and outtake fans you can use either box fans or squirrel fan) and if your worried about smell i would get at least one squirrel fan for the outtake and get a carbon filter. its much easier and more efficient to hook up a filter to a squirrel fan. and last i would get some budding nutrients. and if you want to switch to hydro i'd go with a drip system.(cheap to buy and easy to setup) hope my opinion helps at least a little.