Best Soil Brand (Uk/Ireland)


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys

Quick Question. What is the best-branded soil? I currently use peat based soil from the local garden centre - but have noticed some issues with leaves browning off and curling after week three of the flowering period.

Some grow information

Clones - Exodus cheese
Nutrients - Advanced nutrients sensi blooom A+B @ 2ml's per liter
Lights (Veg) 150 Watt CFL and 100 Watt T5 (clones)
Lights (bloom) - 400 Watt metal halide and 400 or 600 HPS depending on the room temp
Veg - 6 weeks from put into soil
Bloom - 9 to 11 weeks
Flushed after week 3 and 8 of flower

What I have available to choose from my local grow shop

Canna Terra Professional Soil Mix - 50L
Canna Terra Professional Plus Soil Mix - 50L
Plagron Royal Mix - 50L
Plagron Bat Mix - 50L
DNA Mills Ultimate Soil Mix- 50L
Plagron Light Mix - 50L
Plant Magic Soil Supreme - 50L
Biobizz All Mix
Biobizz Light Mix

Any advice would be greatly apreciated




Well-Known Member
whatever you decide

mix in 25% perlite or clean river sand to dilute the hot effects

good luck


Well-Known Member
Plagron are not very flexible due to how much they like to dry hump K.

Personally would suggest one of the light mixes so you can quicker get rid of the enforced ratios and use your own.

Sensi bloom is hydro ph range only?.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks, I went for the Plagron light mix in the end on the advice of the shop owner. Will let yous know how I get on !



Well-Known Member
Plagron are not very flexible due to how much they like to dry hump K.

Personally would suggest one of the light mixes so you can quicker get rid of the enforced ratios and use your own.

Sensi bloom is hydro ph range only?.

Who isnt dry humping 'K'...!