Best soil mix for growing cannabis?

Hey huys, im a new grower, I recently bought blue dream seeds and was wondering what was the best soil mix for cannabis, something that can allow me to grow my plants with vigor without much use of nutrients. I know Ill have to feed it but im not that much of an expert on it so something that can be managable. It doesnt have to be all in one, just give me a good recipe to mix. My first ever plant had some poor soil that gave it nutrient deficiencies from the start, its gree very slowly and poorly so im open for any suggestions. Thx bros, im exited to learn and show u my progress


Well-Known Member
Hey huys, im a new grower, I recently bought blue dream seeds and was wondering what was the best soil mix for cannabis, something that can allow me to grow my plants with vigor without much use of nutrients. I know Ill have to feed it but im not that much of an expert on it so something that can be managable. It doesnt have to be all in one, just give me a good recipe to mix. My first ever plant had some poor soil that gave it nutrient deficiencies from the start, its gree very slowly and poorly so im open for any suggestions. Thx bros, im exited to learn and show u my progress
The word “ perfect “ should be used ever so lightly. Soil use is really a preference thing. Some prefer organic over bottle feeding, and vice vesa. Most would suggest starting off bottle feeding because corrections can be made quickly in the event you screw something up, vs organic, due to the fact that it’s a waiting game dealing with deficiencies because the nutrients aren’t readily available to the plant, they are slowly feeding over time, so corrections are a little harder to control. Me personally, I would go the bottle fed route. If you can nail bottle feeding, organic would be easier to understand and succeed.
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Well-Known Member
I’ve always used ocean forest and it’s worked great for me
Happy frog is good too
Both are good, if you use them correctly. Most newer growers are always complaining about deficiencies and nute burn, because they end up bottle feeding when it’s not necessary with those soils.

SCM 831

Well-Known Member
Yea you wouldn’t want to put a brand new clone into a fresh bag but if you water it down a few times first that should do the job.


Well-Known Member
recipe 420 potting soil.

However I warn that it is hot for seedlings.

You would want to start your seed in recipe 420 hy-por in a Dixie cup and transplant into the recipe 420 potting soil.


Well-Known Member
I've been running Sohum in my tents and for the most part my girls have been very happy. They claim all you gotta do is add water and so far at least that's been the case.


Well-Known Member
Hey huys, im a new grower, I recently bought blue dream seeds and was wondering what was the best soil mix for cannabis, something that can allow me to grow my plants with vigor without much use of nutrients. I know Ill have to feed it but im not that much of an expert on it so something that can be managable. It doesnt have to be all in one, just give me a good recipe to mix. My first ever plant had some poor soil that gave it nutrient deficiencies from the start, its gree very slowly and poorly so im open for any suggestions. Thx bros, im exited to learn and show u my progress
For outdoor this year I laid out a big tarp and every 3.8 cubic foot bag of peat moss/perlite mix (Berger bm6) I cut the 55gal bag onto the tarp and add bout 5gal bucket of old compost cow manure from the big pile I live on a farm so we have a lot of rly old good compost luckily... that makes bout 60gals then I add whatever I can afford of worm castings to it this year went with jus a few gals of castings per 60gal mix but I top dressed quite often .. pre amended Gaia green with that @3tbsp per gal of soil 70/30 all purpose/power bloom... just fed water after I put em in the start of June and bit voodoo juice and calmag/silica (don’t mix them last two nutes together tho you’l fry ur plant I done it b4 lol) also went thru a few quart bottles of botanicare pure blend tea 0.5-0.5-1 that stuff is good when u put 25ml in a 5gal it only brings me up to 0.35 EC from 0.22 so like 100ppm maybe for a full dose? Wasn’t Enugu to burn Them and I only had to do a 4-5 cup per 60-70gal hole top dress (bout 1tbsp per gal) mid-late July and again mid august For everything but that was the last dressing for my stuff done mid-end sept .. my late strains that don’t finish til October 5th-15th will get their last dressing of 2/3/4 cups each (75%bloom25%AllPurpose) depending on their hole siZe here in a few days


Well-Known Member
Here’s a 10gal pot - lemonade og x freezeland.. she was in the woods most of her veg life with only an hour or two of direct and few hrs of indirect probly (from June 6th or so til I braught her out into the open the first week of July she was lanky as fuck I cleaned a few bottom branches off and it looked like a little bonsai tree or sumthint.. She began flowering July 18-20th ,still has minimum 16 days left probly more like 20... super chunky plant I have sum 8 footers in the woods rn that we’re semi-deprived of full sunlight for half their life too that site is a working progress I got sum fat plants tho just ain’t 3-4-5 pounders more like 12-18 ounce plants this year nice n tall big pop can size stalks but just never had that full rotation of direct sun so waaaay less top sites on them



Well-Known Member
Hey huys, im a new grower, I recently bought blue dream seeds and was wondering what was the best soil mix for cannabis, something that can allow me to grow my plants with vigor without much use of nutrients. I know Ill have to feed it but im not that much of an expert on it so something that can be managable. It doesnt have to be all in one, just give me a good recipe to mix. My first ever plant had some poor soil that gave it nutrient deficiencies from the start, its gree very slowly and poorly so im open for any suggestions. Thx bros, im exited to learn and show u my progress
IME its easier to start with Nutes and an easy soil, living soils can be confusing and you should have a decent understanding before tackling an organic grow like that. Grab a 2 part nutrient setup and use promix or something easy like that. A TDS pen and ph pen can be bought for under 40$ and that will give you the tools to measure nutrients properly.
Just another thought instead of looking at a soil that will feed your plant.


Well-Known Member
The wind from that hurricane.. (plant in 30gal tote is a cookies n cream x granddaddy purple and I’m still looking for discriptions on this strain!!) also a tree come down on my c99 x blueberrry and cracked a side stalk so I electrical taped it up real good on a “Y” lean toward the back maybe a little more closer to 45 degree and leaning on the top of the round cage.. the leafs on the end of her branch is looking like it’s wanting to die off though? I don’t want to Mold a potential “1.5-3 pound plant” .. should I be removing that branch completely or leave it to see if it strengthens back up I wonder? 14ft cedar tree come crashing down on it lol and I only lost like 0.5% for branches, IF THAT? luckily + that side main Branch got cracked ... also for those wondering this pic was taken during the aftermath of hurricane laura so if my plants ain’t looking healthy in these pics that’s the reason! Lol I’m surprised they all survived it tbh , got sum 7/8 footers in the woods that we’re on BAD leans .like hanging rite over with big arm size buds dangling in a wind (with 3/4 weeks left to go)lol this was 4-5 days ago prolly When I had to go tie them up at the base



Well-Known Member
The only "perfect" soil is no soil at all. lol

You can get all kinds of responses but good cannabis growing mediium is 60%peat, 30%coir, 10% perlite & dolomitic lime.
That would be a "soiless mix" as it has no actual "soil".

I prefer peat based mixes myself, that said they need bottle feed since they aren't actual soil and provide little nutrient value.

All that said, nothing provides better quality flower than hydro. I can grow the same cuts in peat based mix like Promix HP and in hydro, the peat based mix gets say an 8 out of 10 quality where the hydro is a 9 or 9.5. Just a little better. Same nutes, same grow.