Best soil mix

Cutting your regular potting mixes with long fibre Coco and pumice/perlite (60:20:20 ratio) works wonders for aeration and drainage of heaver potting mixes.

Long fibre Coco has exceptional aeration properties and will compact less than fine fibred.

I ran 40:40:20 yard soil, long fibre Coco and pumice this time round and it drains well. No dropping after watering and it dries out similar to a Coco mix (a lot more even than a heavy compost mix).

Aggregate such as zeolite and vermiculite will hold onto water so you might want to avoid them if looking for aeration and drainage.

When it comes to the best pre mix to use as a base? Not too sure myself. Any basic peat/compost based potting mix should be fine as long as it's not loaded with slow release prills as you want to add the ferts yourself. I've always gone 50/50 peat/compost or a 50/50 mix of peat/Coco with vermicompost as a base, then cut with uxp pumice.
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