If you are using a good composted soil, then your plants will get everything they need automaticlly! You add nutes to organic soil when the plants have depleated it. This takes awhile.
Issues related to deficentcies, are usually CAUSED by the grower, when growing in organiclly compounded, and composted soil.
New organic growers will start their plants in "very good", but overpriced soil, they will start feeding pro -formulated liquid nutes almost if not imediatly. The plants overdose, they stop using the moisture in the pot or container, They sit in a over nuted puddle of mud and suffer lockout!! The lockout causes the deficencies, then the grower starts adjusting ph with dolomite lime etc further frying what was left of any working leaf. "Seen it", look on the plant problem section of this forum and 85% of these issues where people are screeming, "help me"! Are caused by this. Expensive "Super-Nutes", do not create big, beutifull, wonderfull smoking mj.
Growers with common sense do!
So try this.
Start your seedlings in great composted soil. You dont have to spend a fortune on this. Fox farms, Happy Frog, and all the rest sell an image. "Buy soil not the label". This is a cheap, and every bit as good organic soil as all those "MORE THAN MONEY THAN BRAINS BRANDS". The soil is composted with all a weed growers wet dreams!

This soil cost $8.95 by 2cf! in bags check out the composted ingrediants!!
I let them go in this soil for awille, 2 weeks from root to 12 inches or so, I perform F.I.M. at the begining of second week. When I can flex the pot and see roots on the margins between the pot and soil, I transplant to 3 gal talls.
They stay here for a week on the floor, feeding on nothing but the new soil surounding those new roots.
After a week, I mix my water 5ml of Botanicare Silica blast, 5ml Botanicare CAl Mag plus. I water with this sparingly, just keep them from wilting untill they launch, and they will!!
The Silca blast helps your plant cope with stresses caused by growing iindoors, shit happens and this is your preventative. It also helps in root growth, and builds a great cardio system as well as strong branches. If growing under lights in a tent or hot enviroment, this helps the plant deal with it. Cal Mag helps the plant absorb all the micro and secondary macros that your plant needs but sometimes can't access. (due to N lockout).
Many growers just use this when they get in trouble! your plant gets in trouble from not making it a part of your regiment. After three weeks your plants will be very vigorous, They will infact be using the composted material at alarming rates now.
At this point I start with Botanicare Power Plant 1st week I mix My Nutes . I mix in a Ice cream bucket. 7ml power plant, 5ml Silica Blast, 5 ml cal mag, 1ml thrive alive b-4. I mix this well. Then I use a 5 gal pickle bucket I Previously put 3 gal of fresh water, (the night before). We have more bromide as a rule in our water here than I would like. I let it disapate over-night, as well as the Ice cream bucket full, I mixed into. This eliminates those false ph readings you can get from disapating bromide or chlorine, Free chlorimines disapate and your water swings, this is temporary, so, I let all that crap dissapate before testing my feed solution, also active bromide can change the chemical structure of some chem nutes. So it's a good practice anyway. Now i mix it together with the water and I have 4 gals of solution. First day they are compleatly dry. I give each plant 2 cups, I do the same the following day. I use 2 cups because it seems to (dry out/be consumed) in a 24 hour period . The 3rd day water, the 4 day feed 2 cups this will pretty much use-up the four gal bucket. I run 30 3 gal pots in veg at a time. 60 in bloom when I'm rolling. 5th day it drys out well. 6th day water only, watering alittle deeper. 7th day I prepare my mixing buckets for the next weeks rations. I mix my ratios to the recomended specs, and cut by 1/4th if you didn't already catch that. The recomended doses ramps up, and is a 3 week plan. I veg a total, (counting the intial 2 weeks from clone.) 5 weeks. This puts my blooming cycle at the halfway point . and 1/2 of these in bloom finished.
With 30 more moving in to join the ones at the half way point! Perpetually harvesting 30 plants every 5 weeks.

If you can use more info, Good For you and rep!! contact me and I'll try to help!! "without wax" The melungeonman!