Best Spray to Use In Flower

Pimpy Longstocking

Active Member
Wondering what the best spray or method is, for spider mites, while in flower... I've heard lots of suggestions, but I wanna be sure before I spend that kind of money.


Doktor Doom fogger. start with the small cans, then use another 2-3 weeks later if needed.
Fogger seems to work better than sprays or neem oils.


Active Member
neem oil is inexpensive and efficient after a couple rounds of sprays. and it is safe to use on consumable products, unlike a lot of bug sprays. very safe to use until late in flowering, although if too late you may have a bitter taste from the oil. if your plant is finishing soon, maybe you should just leave it be. if thats the case, you can use those sticky strip things at the local hardware store