best state for a caregiver/grower to move

Hello everyone, my first post, I've been a member for a bit and read the forums for even longer before that. What is your opinion of the best place to move to , I'm currently in a non medically legal state. What states need caregivers/growers , best laws, and open to the idea of someone coming to their state to grow for patients. Is michigan a good choice? I just want to grow and either a) get it directly to the dispencery b) directly to patients with remainder to dispencery, I don't smoke personally. Waiting list to open a dispencery is long and expensive, and I'm fine with just being a grower, its not all about the money but I do have to make a living, and I prefer it be legal and beneficial to people.thanks
Massachusetts is good, lots of patients needing caregivers and laws are pretty lax too. Finding a place to live and grow where you aren't surrounding by illegal junkies now that's another story. Good Luck
exactly..tired of that shit....i may just move south..grow year around...they payin 4k for is nice has 7k for everyone run...lmao. maybe they will think its from outer space and pay a grip..lmao
im growin where the ppl are needing me purpose all these years...or maybe its fishing...or growin food..or...lmao. its the collie