best stoner weed realated stroy in a long time maybe ever


ok so lets start off 1 year ago this month, me and my friend/grow partner had one of our biggest plants stolen right in front of us, we were walking down the railroad tracks to the plant (i know bad idea) we were about 300 yards away from our baby,when we see some dorky kid run out of the bushes with our plant in a bucket! we instantly ran after him but he got away, he had such a huge head start we were never going to catch him. we went home depressed, smoked a blunt and got wasted, you know how it is...maybe...
lets fast forword to yesterday, me and my friend (same one) were "scoping" the same area were ours was stolen from. we were walking through the game trails, when out of no where we found our selves traped in 25 foot cattails, never seen them that big in my life. anyway we decided we would head home, the sun was going down and we had a quater mile of cat tails to walk through, so we turned toward the railroad tracks, walked about 5 mins through cattail hell, when we came out, not 10 feet to our left, BAM two very nice sized healthy green plants in 10 gal buckets!, we knew it was the same person who stole ours so we grabed them and ran home.

so today we got high and decided to leave the guy a note, it read
"hey man thanks you for your help, these plants will get me very high...heres a cig"
and we put a newport in the ziploc bag with the note!

ahhh karma is a bitch! but soo sweet at the same time!


Well-Known Member
interesting. I like how the dumb ass kid was like "I like this place so much ill just grow here again". I mean who's that stupid. I sure hope its the same guy or you will have some seriously bad karma. On the other hand this kinda sounds like a nice story...