Best strain for creativity?


Well-Known Member
I have spent 2 weeks now trying to find the best strain for me.

Here is a little bit about me -

I am confined to an indoor grow space
I am a fan of scrogging
I sell commercially, just for a little extra dough for the bills ( Not Pablo Escobar )
I am a songwriter/ battle rapper (sounds corny I know, but try not to imagine the douche bag with over sized clothing and fitted hats)
I am also a full time college student.
I am stressed out a lot.
I am often sad due to stress.
I live in Anchorage, Alaska and sometimes suffer from Seasonal Depression (harsh and gloomy winters)

My dilemma is finding a strain that promotes all of these: Creativity, Energy, Euphoria/Uplifting, while maintaining decent yields.

As of late, I hit sort of a writers block, if you will. Before I got into the cultivation of cannabis, I used to smoke it before battles and just light up people. Now, for some reason, I can't do it like I used to, I'm alright, but not on fire like I used to be, and not much has changed for me. So the only thing I can conclude is that I must of been smoking a different strain. But at this point in my life I had no idea what the differences between strains were. Hell, some of the strains I smoked didn't even have a name, I just smoked it and did my thing.

Right now, I am smoking ak47 directly from serious seeds, which is a 65/35 sativa dominant hydrid. I just pulled 7.5 ounces off of 1 plant. With the ak47, I feel extremely energetic (If I don't sit down) And it helps me focus (great strain for people that like to have sex a lot...holy shit). But I really really really want a strain that sparks my creative juices, fuck everything else. My passion is poetry and deep song writing, and I want to continue it now that I have more time on my hands.

If any superior grower could aid me with some insight, on what qualities in a strain I should look for, or give me the name of a strain directly, I will be extremely grateful.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
I liked brainstorm Haze alot, more sativa dominant the better. very creative high, creeper though. 10-13 weeks flowering time depending on pheno, Pandora's box was also good.


Active Member
Super Silver Haze for me personally (from a local medical producer-not sure which breeder); and sativa's in general seem to be the way to go. I think a lot of weed makes depression worse-but the SSH seems to shock me "awake", and has kindled my interest in sativa's.

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
Vortex or Apollo 13 BX from TGA Seeds.
Creative and energetic, very uplifting, and also makes me talkative.


Well-Known Member
Lexapro perhaps. you are having some depression. too much weed'll make it worse.
if not prone to anxiety, stick with sativas, but address the depression also. with meds or whatever works.


Well-Known Member
I'm with Scroglodyte there; watch the sativas 'cos they can worsen anxiety/paranoia. I'm an artist also, a good heavy kush does it for me.
And, of course, the herb can worsen depression for some unlucky people.
But she's saved my bacon!!


Active Member
I have to watch the anxiety. The wrong weed will get real racey and uncomfortable for me. I'm a creative type and have been really enjoying Killing Fields right now. It appears to be a nice balance between head and body. Enough head to get you going and enough body without slogging you down. But then again I'm a shameless whore for Sannies' genetics.


Well-Known Member
Believe it or not Maui Wowie gets me super motivated and helps with my depression a lot. Even the next day I wake up refreshed and I want to get stuff done. If I smoke it at night I cant sleep. Too bad its hard to get out here. Im in a similar situation as you (except I dont battle rap-There is no competition when Im around lol) and I was looking for legit Maui seeds for my personal stash.

goodro wilson

Well-Known Member
I'm a professional rapper. Normally I would make fun of u but I can help you. Buy some emerald jack from emerald triangle. If u do u will thank me. It's exactly what you want. The breeders description is exact in this case and very strange unique flavor