I left pesticides in my sprayer for about a week and was wondering if anybody has any good methods for cleaning out there sprayers. Any help is appreciated, thanks !
I never use anything toxic, but to get rid of buildup, I fill mine up halfway with water and add in plenty of citric acid, let it soak for a while then scrub it out. I also spray it through the nozzle to clean it out. Works great after neem.
Same. And mine are even color coded, lol. Green for foliar feeds, blue for biofungicides, and the black one that I rarely use is for the nuclear stuff like Kontos or Avid.
And I keep them well marked with a sharpie too.
OP, if I had to clean mine, I'd use hot water and some sort of detergent. Rinse very well.
I have a larger sprayer that held chemicals for a bit, I’ve wondered what would be best as well. Good tip on the citric acid - I was also considering filling up with a diluted LABS solution and let that hang out for a bit
I’d triple wash with warm water and as already stated pump it up and run it through the spray wand also. If you can disassemble it to clean gaskets and O rings I would also. In the future , separate tank but if you can’t you should always spray your pesticides completely empty or empty them for disposal. Mixed conventional pesticides lose there effectiveness by half in just a couple days anyway.
You can use soap and water followed by an acid. Citric acid, vinegar, phosphoric acid, etc... Make sure to run a good amount through the wand of both soap and acid.
The best thing is to use a different sprayer for each type of spray.