Best way to dry my harvest!? Helllp!


Active Member
Im getting close to harvest time....I need to be ready....

Yes i know basics Hang upside down for 3~4 days and then trim the fan leaves off....But then do i leave again for a few more days and then Cut into branches(remove more trim) and leave again etc etc ....Also too help can i use fans to help circulate the air....I dont wanna have a mould issue after all this journey!?


Well-Known Member
Go do some reading in the "harvesting and curing" forum. There is a tutorial in there created by one of the moderator's.



Active Member
the tutorial doesnt answer my Questions....shame.....It doesnt even mention Cutting the whole plant and hang it upside down?


Well-Known Member
I always cut down the whole plant. Hang it for a couple days, then trim the big fan leaves, and then hang it for a couple more days. After it feels dry enough and most of the trim crumbles off I finishing cleaning. After that it goes in a mason jar that open a couple times a day for a few minutes, wait a couple weeks then I start smoking


Active Member
Cheers All....Im getting a better understanding....Also can you VENT a room with Osciliating Fans while in DARK DRY COOL Harvesting(drying) is going on?