Best way to grow a single/couple plants


what is the best way to grow a single feminized plant or maybe 2, given the space? I can't decide if I want to grow it in my closet, or to just buy a little grow box..or make my own. Also, I can't decide if I should use soil or hydoponics. What would be the best way with the best results on a budget?



Well-Known Member
what is the best way to grow a single feminized plant or maybe 2, given the space? I can't decide if I want to grow it in my closet, or to just buy a little grow box..or make my own. Also, I can't decide if I should use soil or hydoponics. What would be the best way with the best results on a budget?

You haven't provided enough information for an informative response. How large is the space, geographically speaking, where are you growing? Are you growing in your parent's house, or are you growing in your own home? An apartment or condo where people are zero lot lined against you? check this out, too:



personally I would grow in a confined place such as a closet with shelves(make sure there is enough room for your lights and equipment,etc.). Find somewhere very well hidden. There are a various amount of germination methods, I find that directly planting the seed about a cm. below the surface in moist soil in a SOLO cup(ROOM TEMP WATER/FILTERED) and putting a ziploc bag over the cup to create a humid enviroment. Place under your light(s). Remember to check your soil every 6-8 hrs to see if its dried out or not. You should see results within 24-48 hrs if your seeds are viable.