Best way to harvest!?


Well-Known Member
Im no where near harvesting, but i would like to read and study before time. So please give any methods


when ready to harvest, clip plants at stem, pick off all the larger fan leaves and hang upside down and let airdry in a dark dry place for a couple weeks.Keep plants in whole when hang drying. After a couple weeks bend at the stems to check how dried the plant has become. You want the stems to bend ALMOST to the point where they snap, but not bone dry. When your at that point go ahead and take them down and start trimming away at whatever leaves are left and clip the separate buds the buds in glass jars (its important that they are glass not plastic). and keep them in a dark place like a closet or dresser.Everyday for 3 weeks or so pop the lids off the jars and let them get some fresh air a.k.a "burping".Leave the lids off for about ten minutes at a time 2-3 times a day.Its ok to actually take the buds out you just want to let them breathe and get some fresh air. The longer you do this process (which is known as curing) the better taste/smell and texture your buds will have.just google it there is PLENTY of info on how to cure and IT IS have to be patient but the jar curing will be worth it in the end.
This is just my process and has worked like a charm for me, others will have different ways that will work just as well.
Goodluck on your grow..:D


Well-Known Member
Ok i like that you didnt have excessive detail since i like to get straight to the point, thanks and probably gonna do how u said it