best way to transplant to hydro?


Active Member
hey i have some small plants growing in little 6 packs in soil and i was wondering what the best way to move them into a hydro system would be... should we wash as much dirt off the roots as we can then put them in, or maybe cut them and sort of clone them before putting them in there?

help please!


Well-Known Member
I just did this to 3 clones I received. All three seemed to have survived and are producing new growths. It will be easy to do if they are just in soil, mine was in soil with a cheesecloth wrapped jiffy pellet center. Either way the premise is the same rinse in water and remove all that you can. If yours are wrapped up like mine were be gentle and call it quits getting the majority of the crap. If it is just in pure soil I hear a good tip is to let is get a wee bit on the dry side and the soil comes off much easier. Good luck!


Active Member
This technique is very easy and worked for me: buy some rockwool cubes and root hormone to make some clones put them in a clear plastic cover, drill some holes on it, to keep the humidity as high as possible spray the cover and clones with water several times a day for 2 or 3 weeks then there should be some roots and would be ready to transplant to any hydro system.


Well-Known Member
You can put them straight into the hydro...the rinsing is to keep crap from getting in the res and cloging the pump. No matter how I'm it hydro to soil or the other way around, I do a 15 minute soak in B vitamin really helps reduce shock....and I think it makes it easier to get the soil off that way.


Well-Known Member
transplant shock is the one thing to worry about......using B vitamins is great it in a dark room with little light, no air breeze and clean hands.......

good luck


Active Member
at what point durin transplant do u soak them? would it be best to rinse off as much dirt as possible, then put the roots of the plant directly in a cup of B1, or what?


Well-Known Member
yes you can do that rinse under running water and get it all off cause dirt causes root rot to set up then just place it right into the hydro set up and spray it a few times a day till it gets going,they really take off within 3-4 days


Well-Known Member
get a bucket with water in the bottom get plant into this , gently run off soil , shake it a bit untill the roots are clean , then run them under a tap , plant um into hydro and expect shock for about 7-14 days before they pick up and take off again

the vitamin is the active ingredient in superthrive , 1 drop per gallon will do you


Active Member
could adding too much B-1 into the water burn plants? a few times before and after the first transplant(soil box) i have added b-1 to my nutes and some of the plants got burnt..wasnt quite sure what it was from...


Well-Known Member
could adding too much B-1 into the water burn plants? a few times before and after the first transplant(soil box) i have added b-1 to my nutes and some of the plants got burnt..wasnt quite sure what it was from...

Not if you follow the dosage. I use thrive alive and it has mixing instructions for transplant soak.