greenhouse seeds is funny, a lot of people rabidly hate them and then you see others calling their super lemon haze "the best thing they've ever smoked" and i'm inclined to think at least some of those people are working for the breeder. i've noticed too that when you dis
barney's farm or
reeferman, you're in for some serious trolling. i'll say it right here, super lemon haze sucks! i had a freebie and it was the worst performing strain in the grow that included dirt cheap rokerij "amnesia haze" (that's apparently totally unrelated to the real deal). it took about 4 leafsets for SLH to just stop mutating and settle down and by the time it was just starting budding, other strains like the rokerij were making similar smoking "fruity generic haze" buds. maybe it improves later in flowering, but by the time it was only starting to bud, DNA sweet haze & TGA jack's cleaner 2 had literally smoked it with better buzzes and deeper budding.
nirvana feminized and auto seeds. i've only seen rants against those, though i've had acceptable results with their regulars when i first started growing and their
sativa seeds branch's highland thai full moon lived up to ALL of the traits you'd expect from a real IBL... that is, fussy and slow and hermie prone, but at least it wasn't a watered down thai hybrid
my least favorite breeder is
vancouver island seedbank. i wasted almost $70 (or was it $72 actual) on a pack of burmese and got absolutely NOTHING for my trouble but mutant aborts. they're permanently on my fuck off and die list for that.
i can't speak personally about
KC brains, but i KNOW back around '05, i saw NOTHING but heated rants about 0% viability from his gear and the last report i got here actually was that "he's improving". i prefer to stay on the safe side & not bother there
TGA subcool seems to have a rabid following with a few people that really just don't seem to like him. i've only smoked his jack's cleaner 2 and it is my current favorite strain and the trippiest high i've had in a long time. i'd love to find even better "jacks & hazes", but JC2 puts a smile on my face easily.
DNA genetics is probably my current favorite as everything i've tried by them is just a little better than everyone else's gear and their sweet haze is clearly my #2 favorite strain now after it embarrassed several other breeders' jacks, hazes & thais with stickier fruitier buds and the trippiest buzz i've ever gotten off any fruity haze. their lemon skunk is much nicer than skunk #1 and even thier lightly stony sour cream is amazing because it's so delicious. i've yet to try something by them that was low quality or even merely average
mandala hasn't been mentioned yet. his gear is nice, not noted for it's potency maybe, but not shabby either. i've only seen love for his heart noob friendly gear, and his 8 miles high is still in my top 5 for a really fun motivational buzz with no couchlock OR raciness. it was like an average haze, but with a little more psychoactivity and really cool precise body control that loves music and dancing. it's an awesome 24/7 strain that won't knock you on your ass or freak you out, but everything it does, it does just right by me. i'm probably nostalgic too as it was the best high i could put a name to since columbian gold vanished in the mid 80s. just a couple light hits, and i was blissed out looking for something fun to do. i didn't like hashberry because it's stinky, but i don't recall the buzz sucking. that strain is much loved by the medical crowd though
high quality seeds has at least one awesome strain. their haze x skunk was my #1 favorite until sweet haze & JC2 surpassed it with better flavors and more psychoactivity, but i really want to compare all 3 side by side under the exact same conditions. i wasn't a fan of it's cheesy cigar wrapper flavor, but that shit is crazy potent and the first time i smoked it, it induced some visuals and the dreaded room spinning nausea thing, but fortunately, i only had 2-3 light hits and one woofer. it's definitely a motivational and euphoric strain, and good for pain relief too as i started losing weight on it by just ignoring hunger pangs. it also cured me of the 6 pack a night thing that was likely to choke me to death some morning. it's also potent and long lasting with very little tolerance issues after a month of waking and baking. if it was the only strain i could get, i wouldn't complain, but that flavor in particular annoys me a little. i've heard that
black label seeds is a sister company, and they both definitely use the same annoying packaging that seems bent on destroying or losing your seeds to get at them, but their autoflowering masterkush was decent enough for a mid buzz, but very fast & productive, even fully seeded.
i've seen people rag on rokerij, black label & high quality here and have had at least acceptable results with all three. HQS thai skunk tasted better than haze skunk, but didn't seem as potent or trippy and smoked more like an average haze. i only bring the "3" breeders up as i've had good results with them all and i've popped at least 4 packs of haze skunk so far with close to 100% viability if not 100%.
i think i'll give
delta 9 labs a second try some day to see if their mekong haze lives up to it's cambodian rep. i and another grower got 0% out of MH beans, but to be fair, the seeds were TINY and tiny sativa seeds are slow to start and i was having issues with EVERYTHING at the time because of a cold room i think. i'll try them again some day now that i have an humidity dome and a heating mat which do make a big difference on sprouting. all i know is the cannabible claims it's one of the trippiest strains ever and as cambodian isn't in too many strains, it could prove to be the start of an interesting new "haze" IBL thatsidesteps all of the afghani pollution in most strains
as the last poster mentioned,
short stuff isn't shabby. his autoflowering super cali haze freaked me out when i grew a tiny stunted freebie that had a kink in it's roots just below the surface so i wound up with a funny looking little bud on a stick (possibly the cold temps inhibited rooting as they had popping in other strains) but under a halide, i got a delicious straight up grape flavor more authentic than DJ shorts' blueberry. the flavor was merely fruity when i crossed it with joey weed's grape leaning C99 when i grew it out under a sodium, but the cross was awesome and possibly better than other hazes, but was overshadowed by DNA sweet haze's superior quality. i loved the touchy feely euphoric buzz of their diesel based onyx (JC2 is touch feely too) but can't stand the vile taste of any diesel which probably ties with catpiss as worst flavor ever. i'll never understand what people see in diesels, and i don't just mean it as a petroleum despising tree hugger, but as a supertaster "gourment". i scored a bud of someone else's diesel i'mpositive as it had that same disgusting truck stop tarmac taste that couldn't be anything BUT a diesel. even though i can't stand licorice either, i'd rather get dry heaves off durban poison than taste a diesel. i was really disappointed because as much as i hated the taste, the buzz was distinctive and fun. i'm glad JC2 has that "touch me now like you mean it" buzz with a much more agreeable flavor and real trippiness too.
most all the newer breeders aren't worth the money they charge like tga,rare dankness, calli connection, etc they are over priced for the most part they cost more than well established breeders like mr. nice and serious seeds which are my top 2 but I'm intersted in some of dutch passion and sensi seeds strains. they all have good shit even the new calli pollen chuckers
um... mr nice is crazy expensive! he's an awesome breeder from all reports i've read. serious seeds can be expensive too. i like their kali mist a lot, especially for activities, but i like DNA's jack's cleaner 2 way more for the psychoactivity and ability to mellow out on tunes etc. more. a lot of it boils down to tastes. you can't buy kali mist for anything less than $100 where i bought 3 TGA pick & mixes for a little over $30. to me, the KM is expensive.