BHO From Vaped Weed


Active Member
So ive been saving a stash of partially vaped weed that has accumulated to around 14 grams and counting. Ive made somewhat of an effort to vape at low temperatures to leave behind light brown to green remnants that would hopefully help to produce a better extract (i use the term "better" loosely, since this is merely recycling of used product)

I have made dark iso in the past from lesser quality abv and i was satisfied with the results and yield. but want to try something different. I would like to try making bho but I cant seem to find any results reported on butane hash oil from already vaped product.

I have searched high and low, but every discussion that touches the subject read trails off into prospects of iso hash, cooking or tinctures.

Has anybody made BHO from AVB product? have any results? pictures?

the lack of clear results of any bho extraction from avb made me wonder if it was a bad idea, but were talking about reusing used trees here, im not expecting the best and would be quite pleased with a third of a vial of brown oil to slap on some kief once in a while.
Would probably really suck. Some people make alcohol tinctures with vaped weed though.
yeah its going to be horrid..
bho is at its finest when the product hasn't been exposed to any kind of heat.

i would advise against a heat purge actually!

best bet with your avb is to iso run it and then put that into edibles..