BHO purging details needed


I have read most of the threads in here and know I can let it dry, boil it or give it warm water in a double boiler, or vacuum it to purge.

If I were to use hot water, what is the procedure to ensure all butane is out?

If I vacuum into a Ball jar, can I use a hand vacuum pump?

Where can you get a hand vacuum pump?

Everyone seems to have their own opinion. This is my first time trying it and I want to ensure I don't die from butane.
The best way to do it depends on ones budget i'd say. I think the best way is with a mastercool 2 stage 6 cfm pump and a stainless steel vacuum chamber. Will a hand pump work with a mason jar? Yes. Will your hand kill afterward? Most likely. There are many paths to the same destination. You will still get ripped in the end. have you seen the video on youtube of a supposed guru claims hes vacced his mason jar a 1000 times and even dropped it off the counter under vac without breaking.