BHO "whip tech" - How to crumble??


Well-Known Member
So I've been trying to change my wax slabs from Snap & Pull / Shatter into crumble. I despise the texture of shatter and it ends up making a huge mess no matter what. Patients prefer the crumble texture but I've only achieved it a few times, what the hell?

So in the past the best way I've gotten crumble is blasting my crude oil using closed column extractor, deep frozen trim & butane, pyrex dish, blast into pyrex, purge in warm water ~100 °F then once gooey pour into PTFE. From PTFE I vacuum it down for a couple days, flipping it every 12 or so hours.. Vacuum is always -30 during this process. After a couple days pass I have a shatter or sometimes bendy shatter wax that is clear.

I've been taking that wax, heating it to 150 °F and whipping the hell out of it with a dab tool, whip whip whip until it starts collecting together, then I gradually lower temps from 150 to 120 then 100 then take it off the heat without stopping whipping. I then squish that into a patty using a tortilla press and place on a cool table and either end up with slimy goop or crumbly goodness..

Anyone got more info behind this or can tell me what I'm doing wrong?



How do u even get it @ the correct specific temps? A skillet or a heating pad? And how long are u running your vac? Just till it hits -30 and then turning it off?
In my experience, it has to do with your material. Some makes crumble and some makes shatter. That's interesting that you've been able to turn shatter to crumble at 150. I've always thought that taking BHO up over 115 creates perma goo.
Ok i c, but ya i havent been able to make crumble like that. It didnt turn to goo but its like a shatter but still waxyy like just no flavor of terpenes
So are you buying pounds from the dispensary & opening the package out on the table or wherever for a day or so then in the freezer with your butane for another two days and then putting your material in your blast tube & vacuuming it for like 2 to 3 minutes or however long it takes to reach negative one and then turn it back off and let your tube sit for a minute or two then introduce tane or can u introduced tane as soon as u take it off the vac fitting? & then u flip your tube for 2-3 Minutes & slowly open up the bottom valve in let out some tane and then close your valve off and introduce another can or so of tane if u can & then just blast out or let it set 30-60 minutes & blast it? And then a water bath & the double-broiler with the vac chamber for 3 days? @ 87/89°? Right