BHO with a downbowl


Active Member
Hey guys im pretty new to the BHO i made some awhile ago then i couldnt even smoke it so i went out and got myself a downbowl with a little swinging metal arm with a little tray connected to it swings up to heat and down to under the bowl. My question is this do i heat the metal tray on the arm or the glass rod the guy gave me or do i put the dab on the glass rod then touch it to the metal? I have smoked the BHO before it was with a nail and a hood thing so much easier in my opinion than this thing the guy sold me at the head shop. So you expierenced dabbers tell me how to do this i wasted a few rips last night it seems like. Any Help would be greatly appreciated.
Put a dab of BHO on the glass rod.

Swing metal plate out to the side

Heat up metal plate

Swing metal plate back under.

Dab the dab onto the now hot metal plate

Rip it!
