straight in the ground with a wide hole(root mass grows out as well as down) in well drained soil. Lots of water and some basic all-round 0rganic ferts (20-20-20) fed a few times throughout, then some good P K like budswell or the likes for your first month or so of flowering. It is also important to start early and have the seedling acclimatised to natural light as early as possible(right after rooting). Having a clone under 24 or 18 hours of atificial light right before putting it outside in 14 hours of sunlight may affect the plant's life cycles(the plant senses shorter light hours thinks it should bud then has to readjust to lengthened days of summer). Also, find the right strain. Sativas (hard to find now thanks to recent breeding trends) grow the largest and yeild the most if you live in the right climate to grow such strains. Finally, topping and LST increase yeild depending on strain. Yes, i like parenthesis.