Big Bang seedlings


Active Member
So I have 2 Big Bang seedlings that are about 3 weeks old. Both are like 4 inches tall and both just recently started to smell of skunk in a major way! Ive never had that, tiny plant in veg. that is just stinky like that! Any input from you guys? A friend told me this could be a bad thing... Oh and they are both fem. seeds if that matters.


Active Member
So Uhh... Nobody has any input on this? These little 3 week old girls stink more than my Super skunk at 6 weeks in flower and nobody thinks this is strange? Whatever


Well-Known Member
yeah! i am growing big bang - check my sig, big bang has a strong smell throughout veg ive just switched to 12/12
The bigger it gets the more you can smell it! it smells nice! its a good thing of course!