Big Bang x Kc Mango 4th wk flwr


Well-Known Member
Heres some shots of the bb mango it was a accidental cross (trying to pollinate to mangos and some got on the big bang). It yielded about 8 great lookin seeds here are 5 of those bad boys. Trying to figure if they are all different or if some are the same pheno. One definatley looks like a pure big bang the rest are kushy lookin like the mango but have long gnarly buds. Looks like the already are producing good resin at week 4/5. I didn't think this strain was going to be worth growing but its looking good now.



Well-Known Member
The kc mango is great one of my favs great outdoor also almost pinappley sometimes. I think this one cross is a keeper big bang yeilds like a slot and has an appley fruity smell great colors also i have one bb outdoor that is dark purp.


Well-Known Member
hey your plants look great! i m from argentina and am also growing a BB. will you be kind enough to stop by my journal? i d appreciate your tips. its three weeks into flowering. thing is on december 23rd we put it 12 12 but with a 250 watt hps and on jan 12 we bought a 400 watt so i m not sure if i should count flower days from the day we switched to the better hps or from the first. ISNT IT CRAZY HOW THEY GROW AT "NIGHT"?
TTYL thanks!