Big Bhudda Blue Cheese, 600w


Active Member
Hi guys,

Its been a while since i last logged on and i've had a few good organic haverests..
But this time round i'm running dutch pro veg and bloom for soil and i must say i'm rather

Right the run down of the kit..
125w blue cfl for the first 2wks of veg
600w hps for the rest of the grow
2 rvk 125s for the forced air induction
1 rvk 150 a1 for the extraction..
9 os fan

bio biz all mix in 16l pots

The nutes..
bio canna veg
bio canna flore
bio biz alg
dutch pro veg A/B
dutch bro bloom A/B

Right time to filll you's in,
This grow started on the 12th of jan the girls have had almost a month of veg but as of the 9th of this month the lights where flipped to 12/12..
Everythings good at the mo.. well apart from a few leaf tips pointing down but after doing some research i'm pretty sure it maybe a slight ph inbalance??
Any ideas?

I fed the girls this morning, their currently getting 2L of water every 3rd day and every other feed is with dutch pro bloom a/b at 3ml of each per 2L of water..

Ive got a video do you think its safe to post?? only asking as im a uk grow and can do without any agg from the law..
If not ill have some pics up within the hr

Anyways thats me for now



Well-Known Member
Hey man this is near enough exactly like my set up, i veg with a 125w CFL for a month tho but will be going to a 600w MH soon. Then flower with a 600w HPS. Got any pics of you set up?


Active Member
Nice one mate!
Nice to hear a familier accent! ;)

Im growing with a 600w too. And honestly i think you should try doing a scrog one day, you will be surprised how much more you may yeild! :D

Check mine out, about the same stage of growth as yours, look about the same height too but i am yet to flip the switch.
I was thinking about growing Blue Cheese next in my perpetual grow, so would be curious to see how you rate it versus exodus cheese. hmmhmm :)

Peace & good luck with your grow!


Active Member
Thanks for stopping in,

Been trying to get my hands on the old e cheese for a while but sadly no joy hence the reason i'm running bb as they claim it has the E cheese lineage..
I've grown barneys bc before and yeah i was pleased with the yeild but the cheesyness wasn't quite there..
Fingers crossed big buddha doesn't let me down...



Active Member
So barneys farm blue cheese wasnt all that then?

I smoked some Blue cheese last year that was awesome, and the nugs looked more like the ones from Big Budha, and that was an awesome smoke.
I think im gunna try the BBBC, CheeseQuake and Dready Cheese. See how those feckers do! :D ldn?


Active Member
Nah i wasn't feeling it but then the taste issues may have been down to operator error lol...
Ive not tried cheesequake nor dready.. They any good?
Lol yeah former ldner now im up in herts... Still working in the city mind


Active Member
Im guessing you too got fed up of paying rediculus amounts for crap! :D
I havent tried them either and cant find any record of anybody growing dready cheese so guess it will be a first for all! :)

I will be flipping the switch within the next two weeks i predict. Lets see how much we can get! :D


Active Member
Hell yeah... £20's for 1.4g if its strainage or £140 a z if its homie.. Madness all because its illegal it's a joke royally
doe's my swede in...
And damn right fella my fingers are well n truely crossed


Active Member
Lol Yeah same mate well it was with pics before.. Never finished my last journal... hmmmm might have to go do that...
Anyways thanks for stopping in and checking it out..



Well-Known Member
Hell yeah... £20's for 1.4g if its strainage or £140 a z if its homie.. Madness all because its illegal it's a joke royally
doe's my swede in...
And damn right fella my fingers are well n truely crossed
wow £20 for 1.4g i got £20 for 3g if off a dealer and if its off my mate £20 for near 4g (i do the same for him)


Active Member
Well, London is like one of the most expensive cities to live in!
I was told it was down to the weed economy, haha. Made me smile hearing that.


Active Member
Mate its madness, ive just been getting a oz of homie here and there.. i ain't paying those prices and the strainage round here's been rushed and there not flushing the plants proper so the tastes not great eitheir...
Just shows how bad its got thou when your spending a score and not even getting a tens...


Active Member
AAARRRRGGGHHHHH, i'm wishing i'd taken a few clones now as im toying with making a lil room for a mother plant...
Reckon i can get away with taking a few now? they've only been flowering for a couple of days???


i grew out a clone of big budda blue cheese clone which was the only clone i took off my plant witch i done from seed, and it yielded 8 ozs dry and the mother had 9ozs all dry banging stuff and both in soil.. good all rounder.


Active Member
Good to here fella..
I've grown barney bc before and the yields were good but the taste wasn't all that clever..
And i've decide to post a weekly video update aswell as the normal entries...

Thanks to everyone who's stop by so far..
