Big Problem!!


Active Member
Last night I tied down the top of one of my plants because it was getting too tall and sometime this afternoon the stem bent completely over under the weight. This can't be good for the plant. Is this going to kill the plant? Is there anything I can do to help it? I tied it top of it up so that it is not hanging. The top leaves look good still but it may have just happened. I hope I didn't kill it. It is the only one I am sure is female.



Well-Known Member
dude your fine, alot of people do that kind of bending on purpose, like the previouse post said, use a popsickle stick and tape it secure, and watch all the branches below the bend start to grow out.


Well-Known Member
Use a plastic spoon, & two bandaids. Have the spoon handle up - secure above and below the bend with the bandaids. Why use these items: Simple. The spoon is flexible (but still rigid enough to hold), you can put a little tension on it - without it breaking; plus bandaids are much easier to get off, two days from now. Duck Tape does not like to let go.


Well-Known Member
You bent it too far & creased the stalk,as mentioned alleady that is supercropping,the growth will slow above the crease until the plant builds new paths past the crease,next time dont be so drastic with the bending,the stalk should never be pulled to the point where it feels as its reached its max bend,there should always be spring in the stalk when training them.